Their family lived in a small, rural village called Tazmily where one day an unknown object appeared in a nearby cove, prompting Lucas’ father, Flint, to investigate. MOTHER 64 also starred a pair of twins named Lucas and Claus, sharing similar personality traits to the characters found in Kristof’s novels. Itoi describes the books as “very RPG-like” due to their first-person situational structure. The books were translated and published in Japan between the years of 1991-1993, providing the foundation for not only the narrative but many of the themes that would be found in-game. The twins begin to learn to provide for themselves when their bond is challenged by the corrupted authority figures surrounding them. The trilogy follows a pair of twins named Lucas and Claus, separated from their mother during World War II. The story of what would become MOTHER 64 was inspired by the Notebook trilogy of novels written by Agota Kristof. With this piece of hardware, the Nintendo 64 was capable of reading floppy disks, which contained more data than a normal N64 Game Cartridge would. Soon after, the game announced its first subtitle: Forest of the Chimera.Ī Nintendo 64 Disk Drive. Many publications at the time, such as Nintendo Power, would advertise the game in anticipation of a worldwide release. Many noted this was a departure from the simplistic graphics of its predecessors.

MOTHER 64 was publicly revealed at Spaceworld 1996, where it was received positively for its ambitious display of three-dimensional graphics and character animations. The project soon switched to the Nintendo 64 Disk Drive as the Super Famicom was no longer viable for the concepts they wanted to achieve. This interest and confidence in Itoi’s vision allowed MOTHER 64 to be greenlit. Shigeru Miyamoto and other alumni at Nintendo found this concept baffling, yet intriguing all the same as a concept only Itoi could come up with. The purpose of this concept was for the player to build personal relationships with the village’s inhabitants. Originally conceived as a detective thriller where the player would investigate rumors floating around a small village, Itoi was determined to break the conventions of a traditional “road trip” RPG by having a game set in one village that would develop over time. What the start-up screen for MOTHER 64 looked like.