
Ubuntu temperature monitor
Ubuntu temperature monitor

Check CPU temparature with Psensor GUI tool That was easy, wasn’t it? Let’s see how to do it graphically. You can see the CPU temperatures refreshed for each core every two seconds: Every 2,0s: sensors If your distribution doesn’t have sensors command installed already, you can use your distributions’ package manager to install either sensors or lm-sensors package. Combine it with the watch command to keep on monitoring the CPU temperature in the terminal like this: watch -n 2 sensors You can check the CPU temperature using a command line utility called sensors.

ubuntu temperature monitor

Check CPU temperature in Linux command line In this article, we’ll learn how to check the CPU temperature on Ubuntu. Monitoring hardware temperature may help you diagnose why your laptop is getting overheated.

ubuntu temperature monitor

Overheating of laptops is a common issue one faces these days.

Ubuntu temperature monitor